The exhibition Da natureza das figuras (The nature of figures) was inaugurated in Luanda in a festive atmosphere attended by many artists and other personalities from the Angolan cultural scene.
It was the second joint initiative with the Camões - Portuguese Cultural Centre in Luanda, with the presence of the Director of the Camões CCP in Luanda, Ana Brito Madeira, and the Executive President of the PLMJ Foundation, Eduardo Nogueira Pinto, who stressed that “although the PLMJ Foundation is based in Portugal, its mission is to contribute to the promotion and dissemination of Portuguese and international culture, especially contemporary art from the Portuguese-speaking world, in a time that is increasingly focused on artistic creation in this century”. The president of the PLMJ Foundation said, “we hope that initiatives such as this exhibition will help artists to survive so that their works can be appreciated by future generations. We also believe that it can be an incentive for new generations of Angolan artists”. Ana Brito Madeira also welcomed another initiative that promotes cooperation between the two institutions.
Curated by João Silvério, the title of the exhibition is closely linked to the first initiative developed in 2018 by the PLMJ Foundation and the Camões - Portuguese Cultural Centre in Luanda, which presented a selection of works by different artists from the community of Portuguese-speaking countries. Among these works was Paulo Jazz’s painting O Livro, a Figura e a Natureza (The Book, the Figure and Nature) from 2010. Read more about the exhibition here.