Paulo Quintas


Paulo Quintas (Ericeira, 1966) lives and works in Santa Rita, Torres Vedras. He graduated in Painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Lisbon, in 1997. He completed a postgraduate degree at the same institution in 2005 and began a PhD in 2009.
Since 1990, he has held solo exhibitions, with notable ones including Todos os Títulos Estão Errados: Exposição Antológica (2018) and Corações e Girassóis (1999).
His works are part of collections such as the Luso-American Foundation, the PLMJ Foundation, and Caixa Geral de Depósitos. Among the awards he has received are the Plastic Arts Research Grants from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (1990-2001) and a study grant in New York in 1999.