Mariano Piçarra (Beja, 1960) graduated in Equipment Design from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Lisbon University (1983) and has been a visiting professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Lisbon since 1993. As a photographer, he has presented his work in various exhibitions, such as Carneiro, Ether / Cenotáfio, Mãe de Água, Lisbon, 1993; Livro de Viagens / Portugiesische Photographie, 1854-1997, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Steinernes Haus am, Romerberg, Frankfurt, 1997 and Grave, Arquivo Fotográfico Municipal de Lisboa, Lisbon, 1999. He has worked as a museum designer, mainly at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, where he has been responsible for the design of various exhibitions, including The Treasure of the Kings. Masterpieces from the Terra Sancta Museum, the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, 2023; Pharaohs Superstars, the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, 2022; A Perspetiva das Coisas - Natureza-Morta na Europa, Séc. XIX/XX, the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, 2011; 360º Ciência Descoberta, the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, 2013 and A História Partilhada - Tesouros dos Palácios Reais de Espanha, the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, 2014. In 2015 he was awarded the Pádua Ramos Prize - Interior Design, jointly organised by the Ministry of Economy and Innovation and the Secretary of State for Culture to celebrate the Portuguese Year of Design.