Maria do Carmo Galvão Telles (1937) loved photography from an early age. So when, at the beginning of the 1970s, the IADE launched its first photography course, she immediately enrolled and followed it for two years, especially since the teacher was the well-known and admired photographer, architect Costa Martins.
She then worked at the Praxis photography studio. She founded the Ar.Co school, where she taught photography and audiovisuals for many years. At the same time, at Ar.Co, she took a course in Initiation to Cinema, taught by Ana Hatherly. Together with Manuel Silveira Ramos and José Octávio, she opened the photographic studio Ph3. As a partner, she accompanied Maria Nobre Franco in the inauguration of a new art gallery, EMI Valentim de Carvalho. The inauguration consisted of an exhibition of works by Maria Helena Vieira da Silva and Arpad Szenes. This exhibition was particularly interesting because it included little-known paintings from the time when they lived in Brazil and Portugal. He was in Yèvre with Maria Nobre Franco to prepare the exhibition. That day in Yèvre, he had the opportunity to photograph Vieira and Arpad in their own environment. Ten years after Arpad Szenes' death, and in his honour, he published the book Um dia em Yèvre (A Day in Yèvre), most of the photographs of which are now on display at the Arpad Szenes - Vieira da Silva Foundation Museum.