Luís Alegre


Luís Alegre has a degree in painting and a doctorate in design. He lives and works in Lisbon, where he works as an artist, designer, editor and teacher. Since the second half of the 1990s, he has been creating multidisciplinary projects that combine design, video, editing/publishing artists' books and installations. Until 2014, he taught in the Cinema, Photography and Animated Film courses at Lisbon's Lusófona University, and until 2016 in the Multimedia Design Masters course at the Faculty of Architecture (College of Arts) of the University of Coimbra.
He is creative director of Ideias com Peso, a communication studio; art director of the LeYa publishing group (school sector); editor of Stolen Books - Independent Book Publisher; editor and art director of CABIDE - a revista ao vivo; director of DELLI (Design Lusófona Lisboa); director of the Communication Design, Film and Media Arts Department of ULHT; and researcher and deputy director of the Centre for Other Worlds.