José Afonso Furtado


José Afonso Furtado (Alcobaça, 1953) lives and works in Lisbon. He holds a degree in Philosophy from FLUL and completed the Training Course at the Portuguese Institute of Photography. He worked professionally in governmental cultural organisations, serving as President of the Portuguese Institute of Books and Reading (1987-1991). Subsequently, he became Director of the Art Library of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (1992-2012). He has published several photographic books, including Linha de Costa (Contemporânea Editora, 1996); Canada do Inferno (self-published, 2005); and Contaminações - Minas Abandonadas (Fotografias 1994-2009) (Documenta, Lisbon, 2019).
His works are part of collections such as the Centro de Estudos de Fotografia de Coimbra, the Belmiro de Azevedo Foundation, the PLMJ Foundation, Coleção Nacional de Fotografia do Ministério da Cultura, Musée de l'Élysée in Lausanne, and the Département des Estampes et de la Photographie of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.