Felipe Barbosa


Felipe Barbosa was born in Rio de Janeiro (1978) and lives and works between Portugal (Coimbra) and Brazil. He was a PhD candidate in Contemporary Art at the Colégio das Artes of the University of Coimbra (2019-21). In his work, he appropriates everyday objects, materials with manipulable potential, and transforms them, assigning them a new meaning. The artist has a degree in painting from UFRJ and a master’s degree in visual languages from the same institution.
Recent exhibitions: Miami Art Museum; Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Monterey, Mexico; Parque Laje; Funarte São Paulo; Centro Cultural São Paulo; Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói; Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia; Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro; Centro Dragão do Mar de Arte e Cultura (Fortaleza).