Eduardo Gageiro was born in Sacavém (1935), where he still resides. Between 1947 and 1957, he worked as an administrative clerk at the Sacavém Pottery Factory. During this time, he interacted both with factory workers and various artists, an experience that inspired him to pursue a professional career in photojournalism, for which he showed talent from a young age. In 1957, he began working in this field at Diário Ilustrado. Since then, he has collaborated with several publications, including O Século Ilustrado and Sábado, where he served as editor, as well as with news agencies, most notably the Associated Press (Portugal). Over the past decades, he has participated in numerous group exhibitions and held several solo shows, earning multiple awards both nationally and internationally, the latest of which was announced in late 2005 at the 11th International Artistic Photography Exhibition in China. He has published numerous books, the most significant of which is Olhares, 1951-1998 (self-published, Lisbon, 1998), as it provides an overview of his work. In 2024, his work was featured at the Torreão Nascente da Cordoaria Nacional with the exhibition Factum, organized by Galerias Municipais/EGEAC to mark the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April Revolution.